You should not need to manually register for an Engineering Workbench account; if you had registration details with TechStreet, they have have been transferred to this new platform. When you click on the link to access Engineering Workbench for the first time, an account is automatically created for you.
It is recommended you access EWB via the Chrome web browser
User limits and Secure PDF Settings
Please note there is a user limit for some resources in this database. Ensure that you log out when you have finished viewing and/or downloading your standard so other users can access this database. To exit a standard if you are using EWB in Chrome and Edge, press the exit 'X' icon in the top right-hand corner of the display screen. If you are using EWB in Firefox, you will need to close the tab as the 'X' icon does not appear when viewing standards in this browser. EWB will then time out of the standard after 15 minutes.
Viewing Engineering Workbench standards offline
Most standards can be read online in the Document Viewer. You can annotate, bookmark and share comments within this platform. If you want to view a standard offline, you will need to download the Adobe Plug-In FileOpen. If you are using a device connected to the university network, please contact ITDS directly to request a download of this plug-in as it is unavailable for download in the Software Centre. For instructions on how to load Adobe Plug-In FileOpen on your own device, please see the QRGs below.
For issues with File Open and Chrome, refer to the Accuris Help Center for instructions to adjust the settings.
Please note, some standards on EWB are protected by Digital Rights Management (DRM). You can only open a secure PDF document with Adobe Acrobat Reader that has the FileOpen Systems Inc. plugin installed. To tell if a standard is protected by DRM, look for the padlock symbol on the the right-hand side of the display screen.
The Engineering Workbench Customer Academy provides extensive training resources that cover the fundamentals of how to use EWB plus some of its advanced features. There are videos and short courses for you to explore. Customer Academy can be accessed through the EWB platform or through the link below. You may be prompted to create an account. Once logged in, select Engineering Workbench Fundamentals and the resource 'Welcome to Engineering Workbench' for an overview of how to get started.