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Course readings

Stuck on how to find required and recommended readings? This will help.

Readings in MyUni

To access your Course Readings in your MyUni course:

  1. Open your course in MyUni
  2. Select the Course Readings button in the left-hand menu to open the reading list

Note: Your required textbook may be in a separate section at the top of the list, or be referenced throughout the list.

Accessing online resources:

  • Most readings in Course Readings will be available online. Select View online to access:

  • Most will link to an electronic journal article, ebook or pdf that you can download or read online.
  • If you have been asked to read a particular chapter of an ebook, you may need to use the ebook contents page to navigate to it.
  • Select the title to view additional availability information.

Accessing physical resources:

  • If the reading is a physical item held in the Library, the location of the item will be displayed below the citation:

  • Select the title of the reading to view additional availability and requesting options.

Contact your lecturer or tutor if you have any questions about your reading list.

Readings in Library Search

Note: Viewing your readings in Library Search will only show you items in your reading list that are held in the Library or through the Library's subscriptions, so you may not see other course materials recommended by your lecturer. It is recommended to use your full reading list in MyUni (see above).

Search for a specific reading:

  • Search for the reading in Library Search
  • If the item is in an active reading list, a COURSE icon will display below the item details in the search results.

Search for a reading by course:

  • Enter your course code in the Library Search box e.g. ECON 1000 and select the option to search Course Readings.
  • You can then refine your search results by Course Code and Name.

Screenshot of Library Search for Course Readings example search.

If you still can't find what you're looking for please contact your lecturer/tutor or Ask Library.