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Overview of Mendeley, a free online referencing system

What it is and how to get it

Mendeley is not supported by the University of Adelaide, however, you can download and install the Mendeley Desktop app from the University's Software Center (on University-owned computers).

Go to the Guides and support page of this guide to find useful self-help resources and support from Mendeley's website.

Mendeley Institutional Edition

University of Adelaide staff and students have access to the Mendeley Institutional Edition, which entitles the user to:

  • 100 GB personal storage instead of 2 GB with the 'free account'.
  • 100 GB shared storage instead of 100 MB with the 'free account'.
  • Unlimited private groups of up to 100 collaborators instead of 5 private groups of up to 25 collaborators.

If you already have a Mendeley account, you will automatically be upgraded to the Institutional Edition. 
Interested staff and students
can create a Mendeley account via the link above, using your University of Adelaide email address.  When you create a new Mendeley account you should then receive an email which confirms your account has been upgraded to the Institutional Edition; you will receive a link to the University of Adelaide Mendeley Group page. 

Please Note:

  • To maintain access to the Institutional Edition you will need to re-verify your account via the University of Adelaide Mendeley Group page at least once every 12 months.
  • If you have an existing Mendeley account using a personal email address and wish to join the University of Adelaide Institutional Edition:
    login to your account, go to settings, change your email address to your address.