There are no guidelines regarding nonrecoverable material. The Library recommends following the guidelines for Written Correspondence (AGLC4 Rule 7.12).
This needs to be included in the bibliography (AGLC4 Rule 1.13).
In-text citation
Number Output from [program], [creator] to [recipient], [full date].
1 Output from ChatGPT, OpenAI to Jane Smith, 24 February 2023.
Discursive text may be included in the footnote (AGLC4 Rule 1.1.5) to provide details regarding prompts that were used to generate output. You can include an Appendix in your assignment to outline all of the prompts that you used to generate output.
1 Output from ChatGPT, OpenAI to Jane Smith, 24 February 2023. The output was generated in response to this prompt, ‘Provide an overview of the legislation governing the placement of weapons in outer space’: see below Appendix B.
[Creator], [program] to [recipient], Output, [full date].
OpenAI, ChatGPT to Jane Smith, Output, 24 February 2023.
Note: In-text citation is important, but it doesn’t explain how you used AI. You also need to clearly acknowledge how you used AI in your reference list or bibliography. Go to the section ‘Acknowledging use of AI tools’ for advice on how to do this.