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Psychiatry: Advanced Searching Videos

Videos to Accompany Database Searching Notes

On this page I'm going to provide links to videos I'm creating to accompany my database searching notes.

I've posted them on YouTube to make them easily accessible. Sometimes I have to edit and republish them, as databases make changes to their interfaces. When this happens the URL will change and the older version will simply disappear. However if you use this page to access them, you'll always find a link to the current version.

Sometimes the YouTube version is fuzzy and you will need to adjust the Quality to 720p HD (high definition). Just click on the little wheel at the bottom right of the YouTube screen, and change the Quality to 720p HD


A red HD label appears when the video has changed to the higher definition, and the image you view will be much clearer, especially if you choose wide screen (recommended), or full screen.

Series 1 - PubMed

Searching PubMed - using Cognitive therapy of PTSD as an example
This video shows you how to use a logic grid to make searching easier, and to avoid getting in a muddle.

PubMed Field Names Part 1 - MeSH
This video introduces you to MeSH (the indexing language of PubMed) and shows you how it works.

PubMed Field Names Part 2 - Tittles, Abstracts, and Text Words
This video introduces you to some additional fields to use in your PubMed searches.

Series 2 - PsycINFO

Searching PsycINFO (on the Ovid Platform)
This video uses the same topic as the PubMed video, and allows you to compare the different methods used on each database.

PsycINFO (on Ovid) Field Names part 1 - The Thesaurus of Indexing Terms
This video introduces you to PsycINFO's Thesaurus of indexing terms and shows you how it works.

PsycINFO (on Ovid) Field Names Part 2 - Titles, Abstracts, Textwords and Multiple Fields
This video shows you how to search some additional fields to extend your Thesaurus searching.

Series 3 - Scopus

Scopus Citation Searching - from one article to many
This video shows you how to use a single reference to find hundreds of articles using citation searching in Scopus.

Scopus - selecting and saving references
This video shows you how to select and save references from your Scopus search results list