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Systematic reviews

Overview of systematic review steps and resources to assist researchers conducting reviews.

Conducting a systematic review

Below are the steps used when conducting a systematic review: 

  1. Define your research topic
  2. Develop a protocol
  3. Find existing systematic reviews
  4. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
  5. Conduct a comprehensive search
  6. Search for grey literature
  7. Conduct handsearching
  8. Screen your search results
  9. Critical appraisal
  10. Data extraction
  11. Data synthesis and meta-analysis
  12. Report your results

You can see more detail about each of these steps in the pages within this section. 

Also see below for some discipline-specific resources freely available online or via Library Search to help you get started.

Watch the short video below for an overview of the steps of a systematic review (3m 25s):

Discipline-specific resources