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Animal & Veterinary Sciences

This guide contains resources from the University Library to support your study and research in Animal & Veterinary Sciences.

Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine

The practise of Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine (EBVM) is the use of best available scientific evidence, in conjunction with clinical expertise and consideration of owner and patient factors, to make the best clinical decisions for patients.
EVBM Network 2015, ABCs of EVBM, RCVS Knowledge, London, UK, <>

Key EVBM resources

General resources


Summaries of the available evidence on a clinical topic

The first step in searching for literature is to define your question, phrasing it in a way that it will help you find all relevant articles and reduce the chance of you leaving anything important out.  One way of identifying the key concepts is to use the PICO Method:

  • Patient or Population and Problem
  • Intervention or Indicator
  • Comparison or Control (not part of all questions)
  • Outcome