Can more than one person read an eBook at the same time?
Generally yes, multiple users can access the same eBooks at the same time. However, this varies according to the platform and the publisher. Publishers such as ProQuest and EBSCOhost can have limits.
I keep trying to access the book but it is always in use by others. What can I do?
High demand items, such as textbooks, can be limited in the number of copies the library can provide. The Library provides the best access possible, but there will be times when a title is fully in use. Please keep trying - as a user leaves the book, another is able to access.
Do I have to download the ebook to my device?
No, most ebook titles are able to be read online and you don’t need to download the title.
Can I download the eBook to my device? How?
Most publishers allow downloading to a device either because they provide Digital Rights Management (DRM) free PDFs, or DRM titles that use specific apps to manage the loan. Check the Help within each eBook platform for detailed instructions.
Can I transfer a downloaded eBook to another computer or device?
Most eBooks are not transferable between devices, however some PDFs (usually book chapters) are able to be saved to a removable device such as a flash drive. eBooks downloaded using Adobe Digital Editions might sync across devices if each device is authorised.
See the information on the Downloading eBooks page of this guide for more information.
How long can I download it for?
Each publisher has different allowances depending on the eBook and Platform.
If the eBook was downloaded as a pdf then no time limit applies. If the eBook was downloaded using Adobe Digital Editions, or another app that manages digital rights, it will state the time allowed on the download screen and automatically return when the loan expires.
What happens if I go over time? Do I get penalised?
No penalties, but the book will no longer be able to be read on your device. eBooks with Digital Rights Management assigned to them are automatically returned when the loan expires. If you still need access, download the book again from Library Search.
Can I return an eBook early?
For ProQuest eBooks - No. Downloaded and loaned eBooks expire automatically at the end of the loan and cannot be returned early. Deleting the eBook file from Adobe Digital Editions deletes the file from your device, but does not end the loan.
For EBSCOhost eBooks - Yes. Loans will expire automatically when the allocated time is up. However, if you are finished with an eBook, you can choose to return an item early from your Adobe library. Right click the title and select return.
How much time remains on my eBook loan?
You can see the remaining time on a loan through your Adobe Digital Editions account. In the library you will see all titles you have downloaded, on each cover image there will be the hours/days of remaining time. It is also here you can return an EBSCOhost title early.
Who has access to eBooks?
Currently enrolled students and staff of the University of Adelaide can access eBooks from the Library's Collection. If you are not a current staff or student, please refer to the Library membership pages for information on what is available.
How much can I print?
eBooks generally allow printing of up to one chapter of a book, or 10% of the number of pages of a book. Some publishers allow you to print more and others don’t allow any printing at all.
I am having trouble accessing an electronic resource or seeing an error message. Who do I contact?
You can contact the library about any access issues by submitting the Report an eresource problem form:
How do I reference an eBook?
Referencing an eBook is determined by the referencing style for your course. Refer to the Library's Referencing support for your specific referencing style for eBooks.