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Artificial Intelligence

This guide provides information about using generative AI tools for study and in research in an ethical, responsible and evaluative way.

Acknowledging use of AI tools in research and assignments

If you use generative AI in the development of ideas and concepts for your assignment, you should acknowledge in your bibliography how you used the tool, even if you don’t include any AI generated content in your work.  Provide a description of the AI tool used, how the information was generated, including the prompts you used, and the date accessed. You could add this acknowledgement as a footnote or at the end of your reference list but you should check with the course coordinator to clarify.

I acknowledge the use of [insert AI system(s) with link] to [how the AI was used]. The prompts used include [list of prompts].

I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT [] to generate ideas and material for background research and project planning in the drafting of this assignment. The following prompts were entered into ChatGPT on 30th March 2023:

  • There is no convincing evidence for the existence of life outside of our solar system.