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Psychology: Embase Help

Embase Help - Introduction

Click on the link above for notes on Embase features (on the Elsevier platform) and how to use them for successful searching.

Last updated February 22, 2018

The notes to help you search successfully using Embase (on the Elsevier platform) include:-

What is Embase - and what does it contain

Boolean logic - AND, OR, NOT - and proximity searching using NEAR and NEXT

Emtree - the indexing language of Embase

Field Names - essential for accurate searching

Using Subheadings

Phrase Searching in Embase - some rules to remember

Types of Publication Indexed for Embase - a list

Wildcard and Truncation Symbols - used in Embase on the Elsevier platform

Limits - to apply when you have completed your search (includes publication date, age groups, language limits, and study types)

Excluding Duplicate Medline Records - when you've already searched PubMed

Saving Searches

Shared Search Folder - to allow others to access your search

Email Alerts - to keep you up to date

Exporting Results to EndNote