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Psychology: PubMed Help


Click on the link above for notes on PubMed's features and how to use them. If you are going to print them, make sure you open them with Adobe Reader

Last updated December 21, 2017

PubMed is an excellent free version of Medline from the National Library of Medicine in the United States.

MEDLINE, PubMed and PMC (PubMed Central) How are they different? explains the difference between Medline, PubMed, and PMC.

The Library has a customised version of PubMed which contains links to the full text of articles from many of our electronic journals. However as there are not links to all of our journals it's a good idea to check Library Search if you can't get full text direct from PubMed.

The notes to help you to exploit the features of PubMed include:-

Boolean logic - AND, OR NOT

MeSH - the indexing language of Medline

Subheadings - to use with MeSH

Other common search options - article titles and abstracts, authors, and journal names

Field Names - essential for accurate searching

Truncation - to allow for variant word endings

Limits - to apply when you have completed your search (includes publication date, age groups, language limits, and study types)

Combining searches - using your search history

Clinical queries options

Subset strategies - including cancer, AIDS, and  systematic reviews

Saving Searches -  and setting up alerts to keep you up to date

Exporting Results to EndNote

Additional Help and Resources - from the National Library of Medicine.

MeSH on Demand - a tool with multiple uses.