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Guidance on using EndNote software at the University of Adelaide

Manually adding references to an EndNote library

There are many ways to build your EndNote library - one way is to enter your references manually. You may also need to correct or complete the data in references which have been previously imported.

To add a reference manually:

  1. From the References menu, click New Reference (or CTRL-N, or you can click on the icon above the list of references:
    Screenshot of icon to manually create a new reference
  2. Choose Reference Type, e.g. Book or Journal Article
  3. Enter the author's name, e.g. Hargreaves, J.. then press Enter.
  4. Enter subsequent authors on a separate line.
  5. Move to subsequent fields by pressing the Tab key.
  6. Continue until all information has been entered.
  7. Click on Save and then X in the right-hand corner to close the window.

Screenshot showing the box for manually creating a new reference in EndNote

EndNote 20 create a new reference (1:20)