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Guidance on using EndNote software at the University of Adelaide

Download and install EndNote 21

For University of Adelaide staff, click on the How to install link in the menu on the left.

For University of Adelaide students, you can download and install EndNote 21 on your personal device via the ITDS Software for Students EndNote page.

If you are currently using EndNote 20 and would like to upgrade to EndNote 21, there are a few steps you need to follow:

  • Save your library and save any customised files, e.g. output styles.
  • Uninstall the previous version of EndNote 20.
  • Install the new version (EndNote 21).

Your library will be opened with the new version of EndNote. You can now add the customised styles into your EndNote program. Alternately you can save your customised files into My Documents - EndNote - Styles/Filters/Connection Files (individual folders). Either way you will be able to use these files from within EndNote.