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Guidance on using EndNote software at the University of Adelaide

Formatting and editing Endnote references


It is best to input the author’s name with the Last Name first, followed by a comma, then all other names in full. EndNote can generate initials in your bibliography if required.

If there is more than one author, enter each name on a new line.

When entering corporate authors, put a comma after the name: e.g. Amnesty International,

If an organisation has a comma in its name, place another comma next to the first one and don’t put a comma after the name: e.g. Department of Transport,, Planning and Local Infrastructure

N.B. It is important that you are consistent with entering the author's name if there is more than one reference by the same author (which is why entering full first names is preferable). Inconsistency in entering author’s names can cause unwanted initials in in-text references in your document.

Punctuation and capitalization

Do not include special bibliographic formatting or punctuation except for commas or colons within a field. EndNote can adjust capitalization in titles of books and articles, but generally you should type your data as you want it produced in your bibliography.

Reference size

The Notes, Research notes and Abstract fields can each hold approximately 16 pages of text. Use the Notes field to store your personal notes about a text, or any quotations that you intend using.

Editing references

If you need to change any details in a reference or add text to a field (such as the Notes field), double-click on the reference to open it in the pane on the right.  Click on Edit and make the required changes.  Click on Save when complete.

Screenshot displaying the Edit function for a reference in EndNote.